Friday, May 1, 2009

Anniversaire de Xavier

Dimanche 26 avril, Babeth et Guy, avaient invité tous nos amis bordelais pour fêter les 32 ans de Xavier.
Superbe journée que Xavier a su pleinement apprécier.
Comme à son habitude, Babeth, ma copine de toujours, avait préparé un délicieux petit repas que Guy a bien arrosé...
A la fin, Xavier a soufflé les 5 bougies de son gâteau.
Hier, Frances est arrivée à Bordeaux pour passer 10 jours en compagnie de Xavier.
Meilleur souvenir de Xavier à vous toutes et à vous tous,


On Sunday, April 26, Babteh and Guy had invited our friends from Bordeaux to celebrate Xavier's 32 nd birthday.
Xavier has very much appreciated this very nice day.
As usual, Babeth, my childhood friend had prepared a delicious meal well washed down by Guy... By the end of the meal, Xavier has blown out the 5 candles on top of his birthday cake.
Frances arived Bordeaux yesterday. She will spend 10 days with Xavier.
Best regards from Xavier to all of you,

Friday, March 27, 2009

Xavier 1 an plus tard

Bonjour à tous les amis de Xavier,

Un an est passé depuis ce 15 mars 2008.
Le temps est long, mais il nous faut être patients. Xavier progresse, lentement mais régulièrement. Il a récupéré beaucoup de ses facultés puisqu'il comprend absolument tout ce qu'on lui dit. Par contre il semble manifester une certaine impatience quand il "s'exprime", mais n'est pas compris en retour.
A noter que lorsqu'il joue aux cartes ou au jeu "quatre à la suite" dont il est très friand, il gagne 8 fois sur 10.
Je ne peux terminer sans vous informer que les infirmières ont noté que Xavier avait pris quelques kilos en excès. En conséquence, je vous demanderai, à vous qui éventuellement prévoyez de lui rendre visite prochainement, de ne plus lui offrir de chocolat ou de bonbons, ou quelque friandise que ce soit.
Christine a d'ailleurs vidé sa table de chevet de la réserve de sucreries qu'elle contenait.
Xavier vous envoie son bon souvenir, et de gros bisous aussi.



Hello to all Xavier’s friends,

One year has already gone since this March 15, 08…
Time is long but we have to be patients. Xavier is improving, slowly but regularly. He has recovered many abilities since he understands nearly all what we say. But he now quickly becomes impatient when he wants to talk, but as we can’t understand… He is also still missing a proper balance when he is walking.
When he plays cards or other games, I can say that he is winning 8 times out of 10.
I can’t finish without telling you that the nurses have noticed that he has gained some extra weight. Therefore, should you plan to visit him, you are requested not to offer him chocolate, candy, or any other delicacy.
Christine has removed all his stock of chocolate and candies form his bedroom.
Xavier sends his regards, and lots of kisses to all of you,


Friday, February 20, 2009

Xmas in Chateau Durcan

Francois was right..too long not been in this space...Thanks to Dominique, invitng all us to Chateau Durcan in Province for the Christmas!Xavier and us spent a wonderful Christmas there....Xavier was very happy to visit the winery, the wine museum and the we had so many big fest and good drinks!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Xavier au 8 février 09

Bonjour à tous les amis de Xavier,

Je suis absolument désolé de ne pas vous avoir tenus informés de l'évolution de Xavier ces dernières semaines.
Xavier progresse, lentement mais sûrement. Plus qu'un long discours, je vous joins un extrait de la lettre d'un des deux médecins responsables du centre où se trouve Xavier en rééducation:

"Xavier va très bien:
*Sur le plan neurologique :l'évolution est satisfaisante: Le Professeur Cuny nous a dit que la cicatrisation était normale de même que la dépression au niveau de la tempe: rien d'inquiétant.
*sur l'évolution globale: Xavier progresse. La récupération physique est en bonne voie, sur le plan cognitif, l'aphasie reste gênante malgré la rééducation quotidienne et il y aura des séquelles sur ce plan mais la rééducation n'est pas terminée .....nous avons encore du travail."

Xavier reçoit beaucoup de visites, ce qui lui fait le plus grand bien. Dans son cas, de telles visites ne peuvent que restructurer sa mémoire.

J'essaierai désormais de vous donner des nouvelles un peu plus fréquemment.


I am very sorry for staying so long without any news from Xavier.
Xavier is making daily but slow and steady progress. We’ve recently received a mail from one of the doctors in charge of the center, and her assessment of Xavier’s condition is quite optimistic.
However, she says that is speech may be difficult, but there is still much to be done…
Xavier is receiving lots of visitors: family, friends…, which is excellent since it makes him recover some souvenirs…

I'll do my best in the future to give you more news from Xavier's fight.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Coucou d'Amelie

A l’attention de Xavier.

Bonjour Xavier, c’est Amelie (Philibert) ! (ex Park 97, Shanghai 2004??? Les annees passent si vite !
Ce n’est que la semaine derniere au cours d’une conversation avec Maxine que j’ai appris ce qu’il t’est arrive. Je vois que le blog n’a pas ete mis a jour depuis octobre, c’est certainement signe d’une “full recovery”.
Je te souhaite tous mes voeux de bonheur et de reussite pour la nouvelle annee. Tu viens certainement de passer des moments tres difficiles mais toujours tres entoure par ta famille et tes amis.
Je serais tres heureuse d’avoir de tes nouvelles.

Moi j’ai quitte Shanghai voila plus de 3 ans deja. Larry et moi nous sommes maries a HK ou nous avons vecu 2 ans et ou Madeline, notre fille est nee. Nous sommes maintenant a Kuala Lumpur depuis plus d’un an.
Nous rentrons juste de vacances en Thailande avec Maxine et sa famille.

Grosses bises

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The last photo is the script that written by Xav the second week he has been tansfered back to France in June...he wrote it to christine in the music day...Christine thought it's "TEL...FRAN(ces)", so she asked him "do you want to call Frances?" he said "yes"....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Quelques visiteurs

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Xav called me "bao bei"...

I went to Bordeaux on Sept. 27...Xav's face with big happiness and sorrow when he saw me really broke my heart....I gave him his ring, he was upset when he looked at his ring and main...I told him ' this is not easy.'he said 'yes', i said ' but we have to fight, and you will recover and come back to us, you promise?!" he said very firmly "yes"...I told him about Bacchus Wine and showed him the photo of the staff, he laughed and said "bravo"....addition to weakness, not balance, and the logic thinking, he is very normal...we took a walk together in the garden, he hold me, looked at me in the eyes and kiss me like before...he took photo for me, opened the bottle of water for me and when i said "cold", he wanted to share his scarf with me...he even joke with morning, Wally brought a bottle of bear, he asked Xav if he wanted some, he said 'yes'. i told Xav, no, not to drink bear in the morning...then i went to room to get my camera, when i came back, i could smell his mouth with bear, then i asked him ' did you drink bear?' he said ' no' , then looked at me and laughed...

It's more and more difficult for Xav along his recovery..we have to fight very hard with the center in order to take him back to his room, instead of leaving him in the patients room together with others at night according to the center's regulation...i can see he really hate being there.. Xav's spirit locked in the weak body, he has a will, but can not control...i couldn't sleep at night for all the suffering he has only being there for 2 weeks ...i have to give my best regards to Christine for her great mother's love being with Xav everyday for all these months...

But we are so lucky to have so many great friends and family being with us and support...during this two weeks, we had been invited to the friends Babeth & Guy,and Alex's , and the family Patric& Sylvie etc..Alex Willam and his wife Maryline with their 6 weeks baby drove from Paris to Bordeaux, HK friends Terry and his wife Jenny came...these love from friends and family really give me great support, every time when i feel I'm going to collapse, i think of these and full of hope again...many many thanks from my bottom heart!

The day before i left France, Xav was not in a good condition, he had a fever after the operation and very very weak...i told him I would go ..he keep on asking me "why"...I gave him a pen and asked him to write to me...I said to him "you can write, write my name, you remember my name, right?" he said "no" with a "you are stupid" look on his face...then he took the pen and write on the paper very difficultly two letter " L O "....

Frances Yu

Monday, October 13, 2008

Visiteurs pour Xavier

Cet été, Xavier a été gâté par les nombreuses visites qu'il a reçues.
Frances est venue passer 2 semaines auprès de lui.

Xavier au 14 octobre 2008

Xavier se trouve actuellement à l'hôpital Pellegrin à Bordeaux. Jeudi 2 octobre, il a été hospitalisé pour recevoir le volet en résine destiné à reconstituer son crâne.
L'opération s'est bien passée, et une semaine après, Xavier était de retour à Cénac, dans son centre de rééducation.
Un oedeme étant apparu quelques jours plus tard, Xavier a été reconduit à l'hôpital où il est actuellement en surveillance.
Selon le chirurgien qui l'a opéré, il n'y a pas lieu de s'alarmer, tout est normal.


Xavier is currently at Pellegrin Hospital, in Bordeaux. On Oct.2, he had an operation
to receive a resin flap intended to rebuild his skull. The operation went well, and one week later, Xavier was back in Cénac, in his reeducation center.
Last Sunday, because of an oedema outbreak, Xavier was returned to the hospital where he is now closely monitored.
However, the surgeon who is taking care of him states that we don't need to worry, everything is normal.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Xavier au 16 septembre

Bonjour à tous les amis de Xavier.

Cette photo date du 31 juillet, lors d'une sortie char à voile, organisée à Montalivet par le centre de L'ADAPT, où se trouve actuellement Xavier.

A cette occasion, Christine était accompagnée de Greg et Emma, leurs enfants Océane et Malo, et Lili, leur cousine.

La météo particulièrement favorable leur a permis de passer un bon moment au bord de l'océan, et même de mettre les pieds dans l'eau comme vous le montre la vidéo.

D'autres photos suivront, mais vous pouvez tous constater que Xavier a fait d'énormes progrès. Hier, cela faisait 6 mois que Xavier a eu son accident à Pékin. Désormais il marche, de mieux en mieux avec l'aide d'un soutien, il dit quelques mots, tant en français qu'en anglais ou en chinois, il reconnaît ses visiteurs et comprend tout ce que l'on lui dit.

Il a retrouvé du caractère puisqu'il est hors de question de lui faire faire ce qu'il ne veut pas. Si l'on insiste, il peut même hausser le ton, voire parfois montrer son poing...

Il semble qu'il essaye de retrouver "du nez" puisqu'il sent le vin dans son verre et s'intéresse aux étiquettes des bouteilles. Les souvenirs reviennent certainement de cette manière.
Nous sommes maintenant dans l’attente de son opération imminente destinée à lui mettre en place le volet manquant dans son crâne. Aux dires des médecins, ses facultés de récupération n’en seront alors que meilleures.

This photo was taken on July 31, during a trip to the sea side. By this time, Greg and Emma, their children Oceane and Malo, Lili their cousin, were along with Christine.The weather was very nice, allowing them to have a good time.

I’ll post other photos soon, but you can see that Xavier is progressing well. Yesterday, it was 6 months since Xavier had his accident in Beijing. Now, he walks better and better, with our help, he can say a few words, in French, English or Chinese, he recognizes peoples, and understands all what we tell him.

He still has is personality since there is no way to see him doing what he doesn’t want to do. If we insist, he can talk louder and even show his fist…

It seems that he’s trying to get his nose back. He smells the wine in the glass and is interested by the labels on the bottles. Possibly his memory is coming back this way.
We are now waiting for his impending operation intended to install the missing flap in his skull. According to the doctors, this should improve his recovery.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Photo Xav in France

Hello Everybody,

I don't know how to start,...we are in France with Olivier and went to see Xav few times. Here is the castle were mister Xav is staying, ...not bad? Below is his room.

Obvioulsy the first time we saw him was a bit difficult, since we haven't seen Xav after his accident but, I have to say, the 2nd and 3rd times were really nice. The good things is that he recognises everyone, and even if he does not talk much, he understands everything.
We showed him a lot of photos of people of Shanghai and his reaction was great. Most of the photos were from Greg and Emma's wedding, and he remembered HFZ, James, Vincent, OlivierP, Yann and most of us!! We talked to him about Bacchus Wine, and the fact that Pierre-Henri has started in Shanghai, ...the only word he said was "apprendre" (=learn). We told him we were training him, and kicking his ass to sale more, that actually made him laugh!!

The following day, we came with some wine reviews and we "talked" about wine, naming some famous appelation, and clearly we could telll he can not wait to dipp his lips in a good glass of wine, ...hopefully! Funny thing is when we asked "tu te rappelles cette teuf a Shanghai" (you remember this party in Shanghai), his anwser was "putain ouais!!" I'm not kidding!!

The great thing is as soon as you start talking about party, wine, good times he totally connected with us, and it was like he couldn't wait to go back to it!!!

We also gave him our wedding invitation and he seems to be quite touched, as his mum tried to put it away from him to have his dinner, but no way, he started to "argue", and after few minutes Emma heard him said "extraordinaire"...we didn't know what he wanted to say till we ask him "was is extraordinaire? The food, ...naa, the fact that we are all here, ..yes, but naa, ...the invitation, the wedding? ...ouais!! Last time we saw Xav was at our place in Shanghai and told him we were getting married in October!

What else to say, so many things...when we went to see him with greg and Emma's kids, the girls had prepare a small bunch of flowers, home made, ...when Oceane gave it to him, ..."ouaaaah, merci"; he sounded so touched!!

What else, ah, yes, the great news is that he went to do some "char a voile" (in english, i guess it must be sand sailing ???) with Greg and Emma, and they walked him to the sea so he could dipp his feet, ...I leave it to Emma and Greg to show you the photos and videos they took last you can see Xav is doing great progress every day, and it does make a difference for him to see his familly, friends...When we showed him the cars, we saw his eyes, we asked him "hey what are youdoing mister, you want to run away, ..he looked at us witha big smile!!!

I have only one thing to say, if you are in France, go an visit him, if you are not in France send him photos or DVD/films of you. We just bought a DVD player, so he should be able to watch it all!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Xav is making progress every day

Emma called me just now from France, Geregory and her went to BD for holiday, so they can visit Xav....she was so exiting and told me that "i couldn't believe it, he made such a progress, it's like a miracle...I'm sure he can understand everything we say, he can recognize, he can smile to us, he stand up when we walked in the room...."...she said that Christine talked to the Doctor today, and they are all very amazed by the progress that Xav made...they believe that all the optimistic recovery for Xav's is possible...

I have the same feeling every time when I talked to Xav...every time, he can speak one more words...I couldn't help to cry when he first called me "Baobei" the day before yesterday....he understand everything i said even though he couldn't speak clearly, but he can express his feeling smartly....when i told him things about his company, he listened very carefully, when I said to him " i miss you so much, would you come back soon, ok?" he said "hao de"....when I told him " you are the best and strongest." he said "shi ah"...when i told him "i love you" and cried, he gave me many many bisous over the phone...

yes, he is making miracle...and I believe the spiritual power are coming from all the loves around him...the MOM, Christine, great great mother, she is so thine and small, but she is also so strong....! she stand so many things and tired, but still keep up strong for Xav...
of course the father, an always optimistic fighter! and the friends! as Emma said Gregory and Lore will come, many other friends will come, "the China come to Xav"...


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Xav reading comment

This photo was taken one week ago. Xavier is in the Cenac centre garden, in the middle of the forest. He is quite, interested by the brochure offered by his "Parrain, Michel". He is making progress everyday.
If you call him, he doesn't stop talking...