Sunday, June 29, 2008

Xav reading

From friends

Sunday, June 29th, 2008

Our younger son Olivier moved to China from Canada in February to join Bacchus Wines as Sales Manager, and was just getting to know and coming to like his new, young boss, Xavier Tondusson, when the dreadful accident occurred.

We were in Italy on holiday at the time of the tragedy and we were shocked and deeply saddened when Olivier telephoned us with the news. He had accompanied Xavier through that fateful previous night, in the ambulance and then at the hospitals, and our son will never forget the trauma and grief of that awful night.

That Sunday, we had lunch in the countryside between Lucca and Pisa, and then walked up a country road into the village of Coselli. Although neither of us is formally religious, we went into the ancient, tiny church in the village and lit candles for Xavier, and prayed for him with a heaviness of heart that only parents can feel for other parents who are suffering on behalf of their children in the face of random tragedy.

Our hearts go out to Marie-Christine and François—and of course to Frances, who is, as can be seen from the blog, such a devoted and loving companion to Xavier.
We have been back home in Canada since late April, and have continued, from Montréal, to follow the evolution of Xavier’s condition. Currently, things would appear to be miraculously more optimistic and we hope and pray that these favourable developments may continue and that things will develop further in the right direction.

We think of Frances and the Tondusson family often—indeed, we have probably never been so deeply concerned with the lives of people whom we have not even met.

We salute the courage and resilience of all of you, and pray that the miracles will continue and that Xavier may arise again, to fulfill his dreams and his potential.
Cordiales salutations à vous tous, bonne chance à Xavier, et beaucoup de bon courage pour la suite des évènements. Nous sommes pleinement solidaires avec vous.

Martin & Celia Baenninger
Westmount, Québec (Canada)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

From friend


you may not remember me but we spent several dinners and many drinks together in groups of close friends.

I have seen this blog for some time that your lovely Francis helped to bring to life, and have regularly read of your progress.

All I can say is that you have lived through an amazing story, and watching the power of your bonne ami and family around you has been an inspiration. You are so blessed in your life to have the love of your close friends and family create this healing light around you and I am certain that every person who knows this story believes that a miracle has happened, something magical.

Never give up and always believe in your own talents' ability to bring you back to full health. I know you have your passion of wine, and i remember it is infectious to all around you, but you are even more lucky than this talent because you now have been through an experience that has opened the "palette" of life to you. Maybe that sounds funny in French, but in english it is the only way to express it, I hope it translates well to you.

I can not comment as a close friend,and I do not pretend to be a close friend in any way, but from a distance your experiences have made me realise how much we must savour today, and how things that we believe are important to us, often are actually just follies and that the most important thing in the world is the love of those around you and how we treat them in return.

Every blessing and warmth to you for a return to this world... and for Francis, your love for Xavier is what every man dreams he will find one day,your never ending support for xavier has been a blessing. Your parents efforts to make sure your english speaking friends could also understand the blog was amazing and greatly appreciated i am sure.

This experience in your life is just a 2nd fermentation in the bottle, the correct methode before a fantastic vintage will will be fine.

Buonna fortuna, ci veddiamo

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Converstation with Xav

Xav left China at Thursday, June 12...I tried to stay with his more before he left...Xav was still weak, .....eating by the cube through stomach..not make any voice...not awake long time....I brought many many photo of us to show to him...and the Carton book he liked a lot...he looked at them carefully...

On Saturday, June 14, I sent Francois to airport, not long time get back home...he called me and said ' can you call france now? please call, Xav can speak!"....I was too shock to believe it...then I called Christine...she gave me Xav....I can hear he tried to talk....then I tried to talk to him slowly, very simple....I asked him " can you hear me?" in English, I hear he said very clearly "yes" in English....

On Wednesday, June 18, I talked to Xav...he can answer to me in Chinese "shi" "hao De", I asked him "do you love me?" he said "no"....(typical Xav...always say no to me...:-) I said " you should say "ai", then he said "ai" the end of the conversation, he gave me clearly bisou over the phone.....

On Tursday, Alex visited Xav in the hospital, he asked Xav "can you recognize me?" Xav answer in Franch "of course"... Tibo called Christine and talked to Xav...he said clearlly French words to him.....

On Friday, Christine called me, said Xav wrote three letter on the paper - "TEL", christine asked him, do you want to call? he said "yes"....then Christine asked him "do you want to call Frances?" he said "yes"....then I talked to him....I felt it's like a real "conversation" the end of the conversation, he said "Bao Bei", then bisou....

On Saturday, I called xav....I asked him "do you miss me", he said "dui ya".....he gave me bisou in the beginning and many bisou in the end....

It's not is never easy....but the "yes, shi, haode, ai...." which represent the "hope, love" give the full meaning of life...

So, in three month now, he can start talk several words in French, English and chinese, he eat and drink by himself...he joined the activities.....Xav is running towards the recovery.......recalled what the Doctor told us...this is a real mirocal already....!.....Alle! Xav! we will make it!


Message à l’attention de Yannick Guerlin et de tous les autres amis de Xavier

Ce blog n’est pas uniquement destiné aux rapports de santé de Xavier, provenant de sa famille.

Comme vous l’avez fait, et beaucoup d’autres avant vous, il est ouvert à l’expression libre de chacun. Il est un condensé de toutes vos pensées attentionnées et comme vous le dites parfaitement, il apporte encore un peu plus de réconfort, de courage et de patience à chacun d’entre nous qui aimons Xavier.


This blog is not only open to report Xavier’s condition, but it is open to your friendly words or thoughts to share our friendship or our love towards Xavier. To all of us it brings spirit, patience and relief.


Xavier a célébré la Fête de la Musique

Ces photos ont été prises par Tom, de passage à Cénac ce jour là, le jeudi 19 juin, soit une semaine exactement après l'arrivée de Xavier dans le centre de Cénac.
Ce 19 juin, soit avec quelques jours d'avance sur le calendrier, tous les pensionnaires du centre célébraient la journée de la fête de la musique.
Vous pouvez-constater les énormes progrès réalisés par Xavier qui participe désormais à toutes les activités du centre.
Les infirmières constatent que Xavier progresse très vite, peut être trop car il faudrait qu'il assimile parfaitement ce qui lui est enseigné, mais qui dit qu'il n'assimile pas...


These pictures were taken by Tom who came to visit Xavier, on June 19. It was exactly one week further to Xavier’s arrival in the center of Cénac.

That day, June 19, a few days before the right date, all of the patients participated to celebrate the music day.

You can easily see the huge progress that Xavier has made, since he is now participating to every activity organized by the center.

The nurses state that Xavier is quickly improving, may be too fast, since it would be better if he could absorb all what he is taught. But who says that he doesn’t…?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Last day in Puhua Hospital

Xavier is getting much better, days after days.
On the photo, he is with Ai and Chuchu who took a very good care of him, days and nights for 2 months.
Sam and the Chef, M. Xu Jian Guo made a very good food for all of us, and the cafeteria atmosphere was great.
Frances and Xavier will miss each other for some time, but nice days are still to come.
Don't you think Xavier is quickly recovering, making bisous, bisous as always... Frances will not say the contrary!
Thanks a lot to Puhua 's team for their good care and their professionnalism.

We will never forget you, and we will never forget TianTian Hospital's team and surgeons either.

Together you SAVED HIS LIFE!

Marie Christine et Francois Tondusson.

Dernier jour au Tiantan Puhua Hospital

Xavier va mieux.
Il est ici entouré de Ai et Chuchu qui ont veillé sur lui nuit et jour pendant 2 mois et l'on entouré de beaucoup d'affection.
Sam et le cuisinier M. Xu Jian Guo nous ont régalé de leurs bons plats.
Frances et Xavier vont se manquer pendant quelque temps, mais d'autres beaux jours sont à venir.
Vous ne trouvez pas qu'il revient vite? Ce n'est pas Frances qui dira le contraire...
Merci à toute l'équipe de Puhua pour leurs bons soins et leur professionnalisme.

Nous ne vous oublierons jamais, pas plus que nous n'oublierons l'équipe et les chirurgiens de l'hôpital Tiantan où Xavier fut admis le samedi 15 mars.

Par vos efforts conjugués, vous lui avez SAUVE LA VIE!

Marie Christine et Francois Tondusson.