Saturday, May 10, 2008

Katja & Oliver: Greetings from Paris

Dear Xav,

Best regards from your Shanghai friends Charles, Angela, Cyrille, Vince, Julie, Katja & Oliver. We had a small reunion in Paris, had a great time a Japanese dinner with Chinese staff and a lot of Tsing tao beer. We all have been thinking of you a lot....and wish you all the best! Hugs & kisses, Katja & Oliver


Nono Taipei said...

Oh lalala,

T as vu xav, le vince fait la manche dans le metro !

Anonymous said...

Coucou mon Xav,

Il fait un temps magnifique!
Avec un temps pareil, tu ns aurais bien organise un petit "trip" a la mer ou un barbecue sur une terrasse shanghaienne...
On est prets!
Regarde, on est tous la...
Retablie-toi vite!

Mille baisers ensoleilles.


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Xav,

It's getting hot in Paris. How beautiful it is~~~~~!!! and it will be wonderful to held a BBQ party in a terrasse. we're looking forward to taste your cuisine.

Flower is blooming, bird is singing. It's time for wake up!


Angela& Charles

Anonymous said...

coucou mon petit Xavier,on regarde tous tes photos,mais ils nous tardent que tu reviennes,on t'embrasse tous trés fort,ton parrain qui t'aime