We moved Xav to Titian Puhua hospital,a international hospital on Thursday, April 3. Fast and smooth...
Xav is still in dangerous situation, the lung infection and the liver problems... but doctor said these have been controlled and they believe he can make it for he is strong and young....I believe so too, no one second guess it....
In past weeks, we have got all kinds of negative information...
Now, for the first time, a positive news from doctors here, they say they think Xav can recover as a normal person in one year....
This will be a long road, this is just a start....To transfer Xav to this international hospital is definitely a right decision! In terms of facilities, management, cleanness, care ness, recourses which are crucial to the control of the inffection in the new hospital are much better....
The decision was made thanks to our good friends from Tianjing, Boris and his wife Julia........
Julia had an accident like Xav many years ago herself. She was cured by a famous expert in
The expert was very nice and decided to send a doctor to r who was in charge in Tiantan hospital, and the president in Tiantan Puhua hospital...
Finally, we moved him within just one day...Thanks! Boris and Julia, for your tears, your cares, your efforts! Thanks to all friends!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Our New Home
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he said "I stole it from the neighbour's gardern"...that's Xav.....我看了眼泪一下子就流出来,因为一下子似乎这个淘气的大男孩就在眼前用他那法语腔的中文摇头晃脑的说着什么,的确,这就是X,我想起来在去黄龙的车上,他和另外两个朋友“扭打”嬉闹成一团;回到上海他半赤膊的穿着藏袍开PARTY,还有次PARTY我们作为第一个客人按时间前去,他竟然擦着滴水的头发出来迎接;在巴黎的家中,他带了一个无比搞笑的会唱歌的玩具花给我,那个边扭边唱的小花给我们带来了好多欢笑;我们四人在情人节住着奢华古堡却发生了财务危机,他在街上做仰天长叹状的搞笑模样,当问题解决了,立刻买花还说我要吃点好的我要喝酒的赖皮模样。。。。。是的,这就是X,这是个有着不同寻常的生命力的年轻人,我绝对相信他的毅力和意志力,我们知道他在和病痛打仗,而我们都在为他摇旗呐喊,为他加油!!
Dear Xav,
You are a fighter and you love life.
It is not your time yet! Surely not!
There is a long way to go, but you have the support from so many people around you!
Do not forget, you promised me a lunch in Shanghai!
After all these years (Forces 8, Veuve Clicquot, Bacchus), I have a great admiration for your talent and braveness!
Keep fighting!
Lionel Le Gal, an old wine friend!
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