Dear friends,
This is Kafir. After discussing with Frances and Francois, I will continue to take care of all administration and tech aspects to keep this blog live.
Anyone can leave comments without having to register.
However, if you wish to publish a new message or upload photos or video clips that you've made for Xav, please leave your email address in your comments or send your email address to
I will then add you as author for this blog.
Together, we are all supporting the battle of Xav and his loved ones...
1 comment:
Xavier, un etre de qualite, un etre bourre de qualites devenues rares,un entrepreneur,un battant comme lui ne peut que se reveiller et s'en sortir. je crois aux miracles, et miracle il y aura, j'en suis certaine.
Xavier, gentil, agreable, toujours pret a aider autrui, fonceur, fetard, gai, toujours le sourire aux levres, respectueux, est un etre rare, cher a mon coeur et a celui de tous ceux qui l'approchent, j'en suis convaincue.
Allez xav, reveille-toi, reviens-nous, reviens parmi nous, nous serons la pour te tenir la main sur la route du retour a la vie.
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