Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Last day in Puhua Hospital

Xavier is getting much better, days after days.
On the photo, he is with Ai and Chuchu who took a very good care of him, days and nights for 2 months.
Sam and the Chef, M. Xu Jian Guo made a very good food for all of us, and the cafeteria atmosphere was great.
Frances and Xavier will miss each other for some time, but nice days are still to come.
Don't you think Xavier is quickly recovering, making bisous, bisous as always... Frances will not say the contrary!
Thanks a lot to Puhua 's team for their good care and their professionnalism.

We will never forget you, and we will never forget TianTian Hospital's team and surgeons either.

Together you SAVED HIS LIFE!

Marie Christine et Francois Tondusson.


Anonymous said...

Quelle belle nouvelle. J'ai vecu 2 ans a Shanghai de 2003 a 2005. J'ai eu l'ooccasion de cotoyer Xavier avec l'equipe des Bleus avec qui il m'arrivait de jouer. L'annonce de son accident m'a profondement emue et j'ai suivi l'evolution de son etat de sante grace a ce blog. J'ai beaucoup pense a lui et a vous au cours de ces longs mois. Je suis ravie de lire qu'il va mieux aujourd'hui.
Amicalement, Cecile

Anonymous said...

Ces bonnes nouvelles sont merveilleuses.
Laissez-moi-vous transmettre toute mon admiration pour votre courage, la force et l’amour que vous lui avez transmis pour que son état s’améliore.
Je vous envoie à vous et votre Xavier mes modestes forces.

Anonymous said...


you may not remember me but we spent several dinners and many drinks together in groups of close friends.

I have seen this blog for some time that your lovely Francis helped to bring to life, and have regularly read of your progress.

All I can say is that you have lived through an amazing story, and watching the power of your bonne ami and family around you has been an inspiration. You are so blessed in your life to have the love of your close friends and family create this healing light around you and I am certain that every person who knows this story believes that a miracle has happened, something magical.

Never give up and always believe in your own talents' ability to bring you back to full health. I know you have your passion of wine, and i remember it is infectious to all around you, but you are even more lucky than this talent because you now have been through an experience that has opened the "palette" of life to you. Maybe that sounds funny in French, but in english it is the only way to express it, I hope it translates well to you.

I can not comment as a close friend,and I do not pretend to be a close friend in any way, but from a distance your experiences have made me realise how much we must savour today, and how things that we believe are important to us, often are actually just follies and that the most important thing in the world is the love of those around you and how we treat them in return.

Every blessing and warmth to you for a return to this world... and for Francis, your love for Xavier is what every man dreams he will find one day,your never ending support for xavier has been a blessing. Your parents efforts to make sure your english speaking friends could also understand the blog was amazing and greatly appreciated i am sure.

This experience in your life is just a 2nd fermentation in the bottle, the correct methode before a fantastic vintage will will be fine.

Buonna fortuna, ci veddiamo