Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Birthday our Grand Lala,

Last night I didn’t sleep well from 02 am to 04 am. My mind was back 31 years ago, and I could see me on this famous Tuesday, April 26, 1977.

This day, further to a few hesitations, I had taken Mum to the hospital, in Cognac, Charentes. As you were her first child to come, she didn’t have any experience, not knowing what the right time for you to come was.

Mum was ready go give you birth, she was suffering, and from the waiting room, just next door, I could hear her crying but I was so scared, such a coward, that I didn’t dare to care about her. A drop of blood or a syringe makes me feel so bad…

In order to spend a nice time, I had taken the Monday’s l’Equipe newspaper and to avoid hearing her, I was carefully reading the sport week end news.

And then you came, a cute 3.58 kg baby. It was 05: 30 am

Despite some slight health concerns, you were a lovely baby, always giving us nice smiles. You were 6 months old when your first words came. With a nice soft voice, you used to say “la, la…” to say “ merci”! It then became your “Lala” nickname…

How can we forget your first birthday? With the very best of her heart, Mum had made a special genoise cake. She put the cake on your table with a single candle, and when she lit it, you started to scream, afraid by the small flame. You called it “feu feu” (fire fire) afterwards.

Mum still remembers this event and she was so much touched by your reaction that never again she made the very same cake.

Now, 31 years have passed, Mum stands by me, Frances is with us and Wally has started a new life. We’ve spent 41 days close to you, awaiting for you to wake up, awaiting for your second birth.

Every day which is going makes us closer from you. A huge friendship chain has developed all around you and it’s not possible to list all your friends and family members scattered around the world. Every body is sure that you will come back as strong as ever.

Today, you should receive gifts, but on the contrary, you are the one who gave us another one: a few minutes ago, while we were standing next to your bed, talking to you, with your open eyes, you opened you mouth and said a loud AHHHHH…. full of hope. You were not yawning, it seems that you were trying to talk…

See you soon our Grand Chéri !

1 comment:

Bon anniversaire Xavier said...

Il y a environ 6 semaines j’apprenais ton terrible accident qui m’a beaucoup affectée.
Depuis le début je suis convaincue que tu vas t’en sortir rapidement et suis heureuse d’apprendre que ton état de santé s’améliore de jour en jour. Tu es jeune, tu es un battant et tu aimes tant la vie !
Mamie Odile me le répétait souvent «Ce n’est pas croyable, je ne sais pas ou Xavier puise toute cette énergie». Je suis certaine que de là-haut elle veille sur toi, elle qui était si fière de toi !

Reviens très vite parmi nous, je compte bien te revoir chez Yvonnic l’année prochaine à l’occasion du salon du vin à Bordeaux.

Francès, Christine, François, nous sommes Andreas et moi-même de tout cœur avec vous et vous remercions de pouvoir communiquer et prendre des nouvelles de Xavier grâce à ce blog, un beau témoignage d’amour.