Friday, April 4, 2008

Welcome, bienvenue,

Welcome to all Xavier's friends.

This blog was created this morning, Saturday April 5, 2008, by Frances, his love, and Kafir, his friend from Shanghai. You are more than welcome to make this blog alive.
Thanks to all of you for your huge support, awaiting for Xavier to be back with us. Xavier is a strong guy, he will fight to fully recover.
Marie-Christine & Francois.

Bienvenue à tous les amis de Xavier,
Merci de nous rejoindre sur ce blog que, Frances sa chérie, et Kafir son ami de Shanghai, ont créé ce samedi 5 avril 2008. Merci du fond du coeur pour votre support en cette délicate période. Xavier est un costaud, il va s'en sortir.
Vous êtes tous invités à participer à la vie de ce blog jusqu'à ce que Xavier soit complètement de retour parmi nous tous.
Marie-Christine & Francois.


Anonymous said...

yes, he will be back with us, for sure!!!


Anonymous said...

Xav was always coming to our home at anytime of the night and at this time, our sofa was actually his favorite bed...
His favorite "alibaba slippers" were always waiting for him in our corridor (If you know Xav, I'm sure you all know what I mean...: "Hotel slippers" are his favorite ones ;-)!)
Our story with Xav started 9 years ago with Oliver & Katja...
Then, just after, Greg and I got engaged in ShangHai and I chose him as my witness with Maud.
He was so young and so proud!
Then, he was the 1st one to know that we were going to have Oceane, and, on this evening in ChangLe Lu, he cried so much in our arms.
He wanted to be there for her birth and with Toto they even came to Hong-Kong but Oceane decided to come 3 days after. They missed Oceane, but what a fun we had...!
At this time, I was so tired, working hard, feeding Oceane and...
Gregory was sleeping well...;-)!
Then Xav decided that we will go to Hong-Kong again, with Toto again, that I can have a little bit of rest. And, for 2 nights, he woke up, feeding Oceane and changing her. Can you believe that!?!
8 years after, Greg and I decided to get married and then, Xav and Maud were my same witnesses.
The same Xav was waiting for me when I came out of the car. He was crying again...

And I know we all have only tons of memories like that regarding XAV!


Partying, and then, 3 hours after, going to the Dragon Boat Asian Championship...!!!!
- then, partying again and going for a Marathon without having slept... !!!!
- then partying again and going for a football cup...!!!!
The KING of the "barbecue" too!


That's why HE IS GOING TO MAKE IT! Because of his strong love for life, his strong love for fun, and his strong love for Frances!

So just DO IT XAV!

Emma, Greg, Oceane and Malo

Unknown said...

Your family, love and numerous friends are definitely following up very closely on your current condition and we all pray to see you alive and kicking soon. We all know this will take some time, but truly want to believe you can make it. Keep fighting, this is really worth. We'll be all fighting with you on your recovery

Denis, Nicole and the Mings

Anonymous said...


I have 1000 bottles waiting for you. I am just trying to figure out which one you would like to start with; maybe a Montrachet to open the weidao, what about a Bonnes mares 1988 next? I am going to tape the "pop" noise of of a cork pulled out of a vintage bottle and play it for you when next in Beijing...Take care old chap, we are all waiting for you with hope, confidence and lots of Love. A huge hug to you and Frances. Nicolas

Anonymous said...

We believe in you, you can do it. Like all your friends, we are waiting for you.

Our best wishes to you and your family.

Karl and Laetitia

Anonymous said...

xavier, tiens bon mon garcon! on pense a toi. luc chie bianca
PS: well done for those who initiated this ...

Anonymous said...

mon cher petit xavier repose toi,tient bon pour nous revenir en pleine forme,tous le monde t'envoie de grosses bises,ton parrain,michel

Anonymous said...

Xavier... je te connais depuis peu, mais je sais déjà que tu es quelque de vrai, de généreux, d'empathique, sans parler de tes qualités de taclage sur terrain synthétique et tes relances de la tête digne de Dessailly dans ces grands jours.
Je crois que tout ceux qui te connaissent savent que t'es un battant, qui ne lache rien, jusqu'en bout, et je suis sûr que tu vas une fois encore le prouver à tes proches.
Reviens vite avec nous !
Le Suisse

Anonymous said...

La saison des barbecues approche ! J ai deja mis une bouteille au frais et nous comptons sur toi pour les cuisses de poulet a point. Alors reviens nous vite, et rappelles toi notre derniere conversation au tel : on devait aller se boire un verre ensemble et refaire le monde. Alors je t'attendrai, nous t'attendrons, le temps qu'il faudra.
Big hug to Frances and little brother.
Alex et Sandra

Anonymous said...

Well well well....
First of all, thanks for this blogg which helping a lot everybody to get a great update and progress of Xav!
I know Xav since nearly 7 years as well and if I count down the number of Veuve Clicquot shared I think we can proudly say that we could nearly fill up Hou Hai!
Hundreds of great moments during this period and millions of more to come soon!
Big kiss from Ludo!
and he would love to hear that from me:
Tu es vraiment qu'une vieille merde!!!

Gwen Chesnais said...


I am sure you are going to open both eyes very soon. There is too much going around for you to stay quiet and out of it. This is an amazing blog gathering all your friends's love and care! I know you for 8 years and in the last 3 weeks I have met your family, some of your friends I didn't know ( of course, you are so popular) and some I lost contact with like your elder sister Tao Ping. We all miss you ! Come back soon!
Many kisses to you,Frances,Francois and Christine.

Tantan Michelle said...

I got this news from Guillame three days ago at SH, I strongly BELIEVE that Xavier will recover soon and organize great parties again, he will play football soon and get married soon. I believe Xavier just having a rest, he will soon smile and say hello to everyone loves him!!

And most important is that I do believe doctors in China, as they really got much more experiences than any other countries!!

Michelle Tan LI at Shanghai

Anonymous said...


2 weeks before your accident, we just had this nice dinner with our other football friends of SHA.

You were so alive and reminded us again all the positive energy you always had in & out of the pitch!!!

Life twists can occur so fast and unexpected ...

I think of you and with all the prays of your friends and your fighting spirit, I have the hope you will recover. And that you will be able soon to read all the friendship and love messages of this blog.

Love and hope,
David of Les Bleus Shanghai

Anonymous said...

a Tokyo aussi on pense tres fort a vous.
Merci de nous donner souvent des nouvelles sur ce blog.
Xav, tu es sur la bonne voie, continue de te battre, tout le monde t'attend.
Chris et Thierry

Anonymous said...


Remember you always so proud of your chinese name?! You always say:"Mao Zedong's "ZE" (毛泽东de"泽") and Wei Da(Grandness)'s "Wei"(伟大的"伟")!"

Your passion of life ( friends,love, work,family ,hobbies) is touching everyone around you...just like your Chinese name!

Sine the day I met you 11 yrs ago in HZ, you never seem to have enough sleep.It always says:"God is fair!" So this coma just make your sleep time to reach the average sleep hours. By the time you reach the piont, you have to wake up!!! And you will have full of energy again! We all believe it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Xavier !

My dear cousin, I don't know what to say.

You're just a nice guy... So this accident was just too unfair and too sad... and simply unbelievable??!!..

My parents Patrick & Chantal, my sister Sandra, my wife Céline, our friend Sébastien, and myslef... We all, together, think to you EVERYDAYS!

Keep to be strong ! Listen to your friends, to your parents, and to Frances who is close to you. Catch their voices and don't let it go ! This is the fight of your life... Don't give up the fight !

I know you 're someone very robust and you're a big sports addicted ! I know you're strong in your mind too !

We are all with you, and we all believe that you are going to recover your energy... And soon you will be able to wake up and get up again !!!

On t'embrasse Xav et on est avec toi !

So... The best is to say "see you!"

Stephane Tondusson

Anonymous said...

Mon petit Xavier,on te souhaite un bon anniversaire,c'est vrai petit c'était lala, on pense tous à toi,comme dit François ton plus beau cadeau c'est de nous revenir en pleine forme,pour le mot que tu as prononcé,tu devais être entrain de regarder taxi 2,alors dis nous vite la suite,on t'embrasse tous, on vous embrasse tous ,on est si loin.ton parrain qui t'aime

Anonymous said...

Salut grand cousin!!!!

c'est bertrand,tout d'abord je te souhaite un bon anniversaire, 31ans déja et malheureusement nous n'avons pas eu trop le temps de se connaître tous les deux, les repas de famille ou j'été plus jeune sont si loin pour moi!!!
sache que j'attendais impatiamment ton arriver le 28 mars à bordeaux, j'avais réservé mes soirée, malheureusement la vie en a décidé sais que tu est quelqu'un de costaud, d'ambitieu, de nouveau challenge et qui aime la vie avant tout. C'est pour cela que tout les quatres: clement,patrick, sylvie et moi-même pensons a toi fortement mais pensons surtout que tu va ten sortir.Tu nous manque énormement cousin, nous prenons de tes nouvelles régulierement par tati et tonton!!! je te dis à trés vite cousin, un gros bisou à françois, christine et wally sans oublier frances.

on taime cousin, à trés vite...revien vite

Anonymous said...

Mon petit Xavier,que de bonnes nouvelles,que ces photos sont belles et donnent du courage à tous le monde,continu de progresser tous les jours,du courage et des grosses bises à toutes et tous.On est tous pressé de te revoir pour te serrer dans nos bras,ton parrain