Thursday, April 10, 2008

Soutiens à Xavier

I am working with François and what he is facing with Xavier, touch me personally.

So, as I am not concern directly, and it is quite difficult to imagine thepainful and the daily anxiety François and his family are supporting, evenif I have two boys and one of them is a little bit younger than Xavier.

Your Blog is an excellent idea; I take this opportunity to send through this way a brief message to encourage all of you who are closed to Xavierto say to him:That the life is quite hard sometimes, and as his father is doingsometimes, Xavier is running a kind of Marathon, which is quite long tocross the finish line.

I have heard that Xavier is a fighter and for sure he will finish to succeed to fill in, the distance, which is stillseparating him and us.

Pour les Francophones:Bon courage à vous tous qui êtes à ses cotés, vous êtes sûrement sonmeilleur soutien et sa plus grande chance pour qu'il sorte de ce mauvaispas.



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