Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Xav we are waiting for U!

Hello le Xav,

Bon c est simple ton anniversaire c est Samedi, alors on t attend samedi pour ton reveil et celebrer ca tous ensemble ! Et je peux te dire qu il y a beaucoup beaucoup de monde autour de toi!
Ce sera a la fois ton cadeau et le notre !

On t embrasse tres tres fort de Taipei, Laeti te fait d enormessss bisous ( j en suis jaloux !)

A Samedi !

Laeti & Nono

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For sure, we got the bubbles ready, to make the biggest noise possible to wake you up ;-)
Really hope you can hear us all. Also just wanted to add, how amazing the reaction was to your accident, and the support a lot of people has showed to your parents and Frances, from all over the world, from close friends or people you have just met once or twice, simply reflecting you. It has brought back some friends together. Recover well 'cause you will have a lot of dinner/tasting and parties to attend once you wake up!! Bizz J